Friday, July 3, 2015

Speed Bag Training is Useless

Yes, you heard that right... Sure, it is fun, but speed bag training is practically useless when it comes to boxing and/or building strength & endurance. I thought I'd quickly write about this also, since I just finished a post concerning human-shaped punching bags. Anyway, I used to own a big stand a long while back that had both the heavy bag and the speed bag. Well, the water-filled heavy bag was fun until it busted and copious amounts of water started gushing out into the floor, but that's another story that I don't care to talk about today. The speed bag was also cool, except I couldn't help but notice how pointless and useless it was.

For one, most people use terrible form when hitting the speed bag. Most people, including myself, end up looking like some retarded jackass while throwing numerous sideward hammer fists into the bag in a speedy, capricious fashion. Well, some folks might think it looks great, but I'm talking in a MMA or Boxing sense. At any rate, that is the common way people generally use this bag. You don't really improve your timing like some claim, either, as it is more or less like tap dancing with your hands. I find the whole process to be super easy and useless as it doesn't improve any aspect of your body. A person would be better off shadow boxing with weighted gloves, for example, as opposed to using the speed bag training method. Other than just doing it for fun, the only thing it is good for is when you use it as a cool down exercise toward the end of your workout, but you can walk around aimlessly for that; ha! To read about more options for this, you can follow the link below that I used for the 1st image credit. 

However, if you would really like to know (at least from what I've experienced) what the best alternative for speed bag training is, that isn't useless, then I'll tell ya in two words: "Reflex Bag." 

These things are not only fun, but you get to use a realistic form while executing your strikes. Just make sure you don't buy the cheapest version of this, as it won't hold up. I've seen cheap ones for 50 dollars and expensive reflex bags up to a few hundred. I got one in the middle price range, which was about $100 dollars. I've had it for several months now and it is still doing just fine. I keep mine outdoors, but some of you may prefer indoor training. When it comes to the Reflex Bag, I mainly use this for timing, quick jabs, crosses, etc. When I feel like performing any type of heavy strikes, I still use the human-shaped dummy that I linked to at the beginning of this post. Well, that about wraps it up. Oh, yeah, I'll provide an image of what a typical Reflex Bag looks like along with another link. The one pictured below doesn't show it, but they normally have a base that you add water or sand to, so it will be anchored down somewhat... Anyway, have fun with your training!

Shopping (Affiliate) Link:

2nd Image Credit: Product Image - Fair Use -

---End of Post "Speed Bag Training is Useless"


  1. The speed bag is useless ? Ok many top world class fighters say it’s the best bag I agree shoulder strength is vital to a boxer vital

  2. It's fun, but useless in the sense of building strength & endurance. It also creates bad habits in the ring with the unnatural way you constantly hit the speed bag. Real fighting doesn't involve a perpetual pattern nor constant rhythm of an impending target. That's why I often made jokes in the past about how a person would be better off tying a tennis ball to their head. Well, guess what? Years later they invented something similar and it is called a reflex ball. Here is a link to it: Boxing Reflex Ball Set - 4 Difficulty Levels Great for Reaction Speed and Hand Eye Coordination Training Boxing Equipment Fight Speed, Boxing Gear, Punching Ball Reflex Bag Alternative (Set of 4)
