I recently watched a really interesting documentary by Dr. Steven Greer on YouTube. It was called "The Lost Century - And how to reclaim it." It talked about many things, but the heart of it was about how we have lost over a hundred years in spiritual, cultural, and technological development due to secrecy, greed, etc.
In a thumbnail, the video was saying that internal combustion engines, coal, nuclear power plants, and wind & solar energy are all obsolete. And that we have had many, many technological breakthroughs in the past, but they have been met with patent suppression, secrecy, restriction, and so on. If the tech from an invention is too efficient in energy production, the people or parties often get assassinated, threatened, their device & equipment stolen, etc., all under the guise of "national security."
Within that documentary, a lot (but not all) of the technology that was talked about is related to pulling free electricity from Zero Point Energy. It is what Tesla called "radiant energy," and it's also called "quantum vacuum." I won't spend a lot of time talking about that in much detail on this page, since I've already published (the first one listed is the most elaborate) posts about that subject several years ago, here: "Paradigm Conflicts with Zero Point Energy" & "ZPE - Limitless (free) energy embedded in the fabric of space?"
What I will do, is provide some of the tidbits from that video since I took notes while viewing it. I jotted down some of the inventors, how they were suppressed, what type of device they had, and so on. I will just list a few, but for anybody that is interested in this subject, I suggest you watch "The Lost Century." Dr. Steven Greer is a peculiar resource (especially when it comes to UFOs & Aliens) and has been on a mission about disclosure for over 30+ years. I actually have one of his books called "Disclosure" that I bought a few years ago. If you're more interested in that type of subject, I recently wrote a blog post entitled "Good Starter / Beginner Books for Aliens & UFOs."
Anyway, back to the documentary I recently watched on YouTube: A lot of the data was coming from the year 2022, as I assume that is when they were making this video. The release date of the documentary was in 2023. Well, it is now 2024, and you can apparently watch it for free on YouTube, which is what I did. One quick note before I get to the inventors, as of 2022, only 12% of energy produced in the U.S. was renewable. It was 35% petroleum, 34% natural gas, 10% coal, and 9% nuclear. The 12% renewable energy was broken down into 39.1% BioMass, 25.9% Wind, 22.4% Hydroelectric, 10.7% Solar, and 1.8% Geothermal.
Stubblefield Earth Battery - Rods going into the Earth picking up Magnetic Flux Field. On the documentary, that particular slide was dated 1902 along with a mention of Nikola Tesla. However, I read that Nathan Stubblefield had this free energy device in 1898. The earliest designs go back to 1841 with Alexander Bain, although they were most likely less advanced. If you'd like to read more about this, visit: https://borderlandsciences.org/journal/vol/51/n03/Vassilatos_on_Stubblefield_Earth_Energy.html
Here is an excerpt from that page: "Nathan Stubblefield knew that probes (placed into various soils) reveal an amazing degree of strong electrical activity. Proper placements of metallic probes can produce strong currents for use. Stubblefield's observations of natural electrical manifestations led him to consider the taking of "free" electrical energy from the earth. Stubblefield sensed that the ground currents were arriving as electrical waves. Earth static was presumed by Tesla to be a solar activity which manifested in and across the ground. Tesla stated that the electrical energy released by the sun is a far greater, more permeating supply than sunlight itself. He certainly believed it should be considered as a first-rate natural electrical source of enormous potential for commercial applications. His assertion was based on experimentally verified facts when, measuring steadily growing charge states in vacuum tubes, it occurred to him that earth charge was sourced in solar activity."
Speaking of Nikola Tesla, there is just way too much to write about there. I suggest anybody that's interested in this subject to do their research on that guy. I still need to read his autobiography entitled "My Inventions" that I bought a few years ago. Anyway, he was way ahead of his time, and his work and ideas never got to fully live its dreams. He couldn't get the financial backing for his major work and eventually went bankrupt.
[Update (11-28-24): 5 days after I published this post, I finally read that short book (My Inventions - The autobiography of Nikola Tesla). I will provide an excerpt from page 72 of that book which could possibly relate to this post: "If we were to release the energy of atoms or discover some other way of developing cheap and unlimited power at any point on the globe, this accomplishment, instead of being a blessing, might bring disaster to mankind in giving rise to dissension and anarchy, which would ultimately result in the enthronement of the hated regime of force. The greatest good will come from technical improvements tending to unification and harmony, and my wireless transmitter is preeminently such." ---End of Update]
"Tesla, the genius, whose dream was thwarted by the nature of reality, lived a humble existence in a New York apartment until his death in 1943. But what would have the world been like if electricity was clean and free for everyone? Like Tesla, we can only dream." Read more, here: "Nikola Tesla dreamed of free electricity; what happened?" [https://thefifthestate.com.au/energy-lead/energy/nikola-tesla-dreamed-of-free-electricity-what-happened/]
I've heard from multiple sources (not just the Documentary I recently watched) that Tesla's scientific papers were all seized by [fill in the blank; ha!] in 1943, after his death. In one of the books that I previously bought, "The Day After Roswell," written by a former Pentagon Official, Col. Philip J. Corso, the seizure of Tesla's scientific papers also came up on page 267 under the Chapter "Tesla's Death Ray."
Side Note: It is crazy how "free energy suppression" is actually considered to be a conspiracy theory by many... However, as a side note, one must remember that regardless of whether it is suppressed or not, technology is generally achieved many years or sometimes a few decades before it is released into the consumer market. At any rate, back to the subjects at hand...
Thomas Henry Moray (1930) - Invented a radiant energy device. It was described as a 55 lb. box that required 0 input with an output of 50 kW (kilowatts) which is equal to 50,000 watts. He encountered multiple assassination attempts and never got a patent for the device mentioned prior.
Talking about "Patent Suppression" or "Patent Sequestering" (AKA Secretizing), the documentary (The Lost Century) also showed that in 1971, energy conversion systems (these in particular were solar photovoltaic generators) that were more than 70% - 80% efficient were subject to Review & Restriction by the Patent Office. Actually, the same rule applied to the ones over 20%, as well. You know, for "national security" reasons. Ha! Going by the data in 2022, the most efficient Solar Panel was around 22.8%. Hmm... And we could have had better Solar Power in 1971! That's interesting...
Edwin Gray Electric Motor (1970s) - This "overunity" electric motor relied on high voltage, high frequency pulses generating so-called "cold electricity" AKA "radiant energy." Input was 26.8 watts with an output of 7,460 watts. This guy supposedly took knowledge from other inventors while trying to make a huge profit. It didn't work out, obviously.
Lt. Col. Charles L. Brown (1922-2008) - Invented technology (not radiant energy from the vacuum, but still) to reduce vehicle emissions 50 - 70%. It was a device (during the 1980s) that treats the air coming into a combustion engine. It would have supposedly given 20% - 40% more miles per gallon of fuel, as well. Going by the documentary, that guy had is lab destroyed, received bomb threats, etc. The technology never made it. As a side comment, I don't quite understand that one. I mean, it just made vehicles more efficient while still using fossil fuels. Oh, wait, that was during the 1980s, so maybe that was before the whole fuel economy vs. the environment thing was in full swing.
Joseph Newman Electric Motor (Mid 1980s) - Motor consists of massive stator coils with huge numbers of wire turns which are pulsed with electricity; the magnetic field generated thereby causes massive and/or strong magnets attached to the rotor to spin. Input was 17 watts, and the output was 200 watts. There was supposedly a scientific cover-up at the Patent Office; even though it worked, it was denied and said that it was impossible.
Floyd "Sparky" Sweet (Mid 1980s) - Vacuum Triode - Input was <0.3 Milliwatts and the Output was an incredible 223,710 watts! It was a tiny box that got energy from the vacuum of space. It was a solid state, which means there were no moving parts. Now this right here sounds like some of the technology from extraterrestrials. In the documentary, they said the guy was shot at before, but died of a "heart attack" even though there was evidence he was killed. It was said that he was visited by two strange men that night, and a couple hours later he died. Then after that, men who claimed to be the FBI come in and stole all of his equipment. Hmm...
Stan Meyer - Water Fuel Car (1995) - He figured out a way to split the water molecule into hydrogen and oxygen by pulsing water with very high voltage, high frequency, low amperage electricity. Stan's multiple patents did not reveal the significant secrets of his technology.
Okay, before I mention the next guy that faced suppression, let's have a refresher course about Plasma. It is the 4th state of matter, after solids, liquids, and gases. For example, think ice, water, steam, then plasma as the 4th state. It is between physical and non-physical. Those lightning streaks you see across the sky during a thunderstorm are plasma. Plasma glows and creates a shield of inertia. Think of how this explains why UFOs often glow. This same shield of inertia would also protect the inside of the craft (inhabitants therein) from the sudden bursts of speeds and abrupt stops, etc.
Update (12-1-24): Speaking of plasma, I just watched a video about a possible ground-breaking technology called the "thunderstorm generator." It uses plasma technology, and the exhaust of this generator ends up being optimal oxygen levels instead of the typical pollution. I mean, you could put the exhaust of this thing in your mouth and actually breathe better. Talk about clean electricity! It is almost perpetual energy, except for the fact that you have to add water on occasions. They are hinting around that this could be ancient technology that we are just now finding out about but, regardless of the idea that advanced ancient civilizations may have used this in the past, it is fascinating, nonetheless. In this particular case, unlike a lot of the ones on this page, they are trying to bypass the suppression and open source the knowledge, not keep it secret, etc. We shall cross our fingers and see how this ultimately turns out in due time... Anyway, instead of providing a hyperlink (since it may not be active in the future), I'll just post a URL that you can copy & paste into your browser, here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Re7FqKh7i_c
---End of Update
Ken Shoulders developed a technology called "charge clusters" which are likened to "ball lightning." When discharged, they tap into the Zero Point Energy. Yeah, I already said that also got suppressed, right?
The rest of the video mostly covers reverse-engineering of alien technology, anti-gravity tech, man-made UFOs, etc. Basically, we could have had free energy / Tesla technologies by the 1920s. We could have even had levitation tech and transdimensional systems by the '50s & '60s. Does it sound a bit like sci-fi to you? Well, as the old adage states, the truth is often stranger than fiction. Have a good rest of the day now... Cheers!
Image Credits: My own photos using a digital camera with no flash, a dark room, and an electric plasma arc used for a cigarette lighter. Before anybody gets any ideas, you can buy those lighters on Amazon.com.
---End of Post "Free Electricity & Radiant Energy from the Vacuum"
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